How do I find out my username for JCC email and Brightspace? I forgot what it was!


Your username is the first six letters of your last name (or fewer), your first initial, your middle initial, and 01.

Example:  smithja01

If this doesn't work, try removing your middle initial. 

Example: smithj01

If you have a common last name, try 02 and so on.

Example: smithja03

By default your password is your birth date in six digits, unless you have changed it.

Example: July 1, 2000  =  070100

If none of these hints work or you have forgotten what you changed your password to, go to the MyJCC page and click on the "Username and Password" link. 

For additional assistance, contact the JCC Help Desk.

  • Last Updated Mar 27, 2023
  • Views 370
  • Answered By JCC Librarians

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