I can't get into the libraries' databases.


Follow the tips below if you are having trouble accessing one of the online library databases.

Tip 1: Are you enrolled in classes for credit at JCC for the current semester?

If you are not a current student you will no longer have access to the library databases from off-campus.  See Tip 10 for information on databases that are freely available to New York and Pennsylvania residents.

You may still be able to log in to your JCC Gmail account, Brightspace, Starfish, and DegreeWorks.

Tip 2: Make sure you are using the correct username and password

When logging into the library databases, be sure to use your JCC username and password. This is the same username/password that you use to access Brightspace and campus computers. Try logging into Brightspace to check that your username and password are correct.  If you are not sure what your username is, try the suggestions in this FAQ: https://sunyjcc.libanswers.com/faq/330279

Tip 3: Many workplaces have firewalls that block access to websites

Many workplaces, including some local schools, have firewalls that block access to a wide range of Web sites (including ours!).

Tip 4: Make sure you are accessing the database from a link provided by the JCC Libraries.

If you are not using a database link provided by the JCC Libraries, the database won't recognize your login.  It is best to access databases through the libraries' homepage by clicking on Articles & Databases.  When off-campus you will be prompted for your JCC username and password.

Tip 5: Try accessing a different database

If you are having trouble accessing a particular database, try accessing a database from a different provider. For example, if you cannot get into Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), try getting into another database like ProQuest Central Essentials. If you can get into one but not another, this might indicate a problem with the database provider - contact your library if this is the case.  You can check to see if there is a known issue by looking at the bottom of the right side menu on the JCC LibGuides homepage https://sunyjcc.libguides.com/?b=s

Tip 6: Try using a different browser

If you are having trouble accessing the library databases, try using a different browser. For example, if you normally use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge and are experiencing issues, try using Chrome or Firefox (or Safari if you are a Mac user). 

Tip 7: Clear your browser cache/history

In some cases, you may have to clear your browser’s cache/history (the place where your browser saves copies of previously visited web pages.)  For example, in Google Chrome, this feature is located under Settings>Privacy and Security.  In Firefox it is under Settings>Privacy & Security>Cookies & Site Data. In Safari it is under History>Clear History.

Tip 8:  Check to see if the database is down

There may be a problem with the database's site.  Check the status of JCC Library online services:


Tip 9: Try rebooting your computer

Tip 10:  Freely accessible databases

All residents of New York and Pennsylvania have access to certain databases even if they are not affiliated with JCC.  Try accessing these databases as a temporary solution.  From the Database A-Z list, change the "All Database Types" drop down list to "Public" to see a list of accessible resources. https://sunyjcc.libanswers.com/faq/237103

Tip 11:  You may have locked yourself out

If you have tried to log in several times and failed, you may have been locked out.  Wait 15 minutes before you try again.  While waiting try the suggestions in this FAQ: https://sunyjcc.libanswers.com/faq/330279 to make sure you are using the correct username and password.

If you are still having difficulties email the JCC Helpdesk at  JCCHelpDesk@mail.sunyjcc.eduor call 1-800-388-8557, ext 1122. 

  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2023
  • Views 492
  • Answered By Amy Rupp

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