How do I install and authorize Adobe Digital Editions?
In order to download EBSCO eBooks and read them on your desktop or laptop, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer and “authorized.” You can authorize Adobe Digital Editions with or without creating an Adobe ID.
- If you decide to authorize without an Adobe ID, the ebook will be readable on your computer only.
- If you decide to authorize with an Adobe ID, you can transfer the ebook to up to 5 other devices that are authorized with the same Adobe ID.
Adobe Digital Editions is a free download available at this link:
To install Adobe Digital Editions:
- Click the Download Now link found on the page linked above.
- Select Install.
- Select Yes.
- Follow prompts until installation is complete.
Note: If you have trouble, use these solutions from Adobe provided in this Tech Note:
Authorizing Digital Editions
After installing Digital Editions on your computer, you will need to authorize the software. You can authorize Adobe Digital Editions with or without an Adobe ID. Create or update an Adobe ID here:
To authorize Digital Editions with an Adobe ID:
- Open the Digital Editions software.
- In the menu at the top of the application, click Help and select Authorize Computer from the resulting menu.
- Enter your Adobe ID and password.
- Click Authorize.
To authorize Digital Editions without an Adobe ID:
- Open the Digital Editions software.
- In the menu at the top of the application, click Help and select Authorize Computer from the resulting menu.
- Check the box for I want to authorize my computer without an ID, click Next.
- Click Authorize.
Note: You may download a checked out EBSCO eBook to more than one device that is authorized anonymously/without an Adobe ID (e.g. your computer and an Adobe-DRM-compatible app, such as the EBSCO mobile app). If you decide not to use an Adobe ID, you won’t be able to sync downloads between devices.
Your computer is authorized and you are able to download EBSCO eBooks and read them with Adobe Digital Editions.
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