We have a group project to work on. Is there somewhere in the library where we can work on our project without disturbing other people?


The libraries have designated group study rooms available.  The libraries have the following equipment/technology available:

Hultquist Library:

  • There are five group study rooms available for academic purposes.
  • Each room is equipped with a networked PC (with camera) and a whiteboard.
  • Wireless Internet is available in all rooms.
  • Additional supplies available for loan: dry erase markers, webcam, microphone, dry erase markers and eraser, stapler, and scissors.
  • Four of the rooms have large screen LED monitors.
  • All of the rooms have DVD viewing capabilities.

 Cattaraugus Campus Library:

  • There are three group study rooms available for academic purposes.
  • Each room is equipped with a networked PC (with camera) and a whiteboard.
  • Wireless Internet is available in all rooms.
  • Additional supplies available for loan: dry erase markers, webcam, microphone, dry erase markers and eraser, stapler, and scissors.
  • All rooms have large screen LED monitors.
  • All of the rooms have DVD viewing capabilities.

Group Study Room Use Policy:

The libraries’ group study rooms are available for the convenience of our students and are intended for quiet collaborative study, class work, and research.

  1. The group study rooms are to be used for legitimate academic purposes that support the instruction, research, and study needs of the JCC community.
  2. The primary purpose of these rooms is to provide a place for students to engage in collaborative and cooperative study in small groups. Group study rooms may be used by individuals with the understanding that they may be asked to leave if a group needs to use the space.
  3. Users must register at the Circulation Desk before using a room.
  4. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, but reservations may be made in advance by visiting or contacting the Circulation Desk
    •  Reservations are made in 1 hour blocks, to a maximum of 2 hours.
    •  Reservations may be made up to 1 week in advance.
    •  Reservations will be canceled if users do not arrive within 15 minutes of schedule reservation time.
  5. Room use is limited to 2 hours per group. If no one is waiting to use the room, the time may be extended.
  6. Users must leave the lights on and the windows uncovered when using a group study room
  7. Users must abide by the JCC Libraries’ Code of Conduct. Copies of the code are posted in each group study room, at the entrance to the library, and at the Circulation and Reference Desks.
  8. The libraries are not responsible for personal items that are lost or stolen.
  9. When users leave a group study room they are expected to return furniture to its original location, erase the white boards, and remove all trash.
  10. All group study rooms must be vacated at least 15 minutes prior to library closing.
  • Last Updated Mar 17, 2022
  • Views 556
  • Answered By Amy Rupp

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Contact Us

Hultquist Library

Circulation Desk: 716.338.1008
Reference Desk: 716.338.1139

Cattaraugus County Campus Library

Circulation and Reference Desk:  716.376.7517

Hours may vary due to holidays and college closures. 
Please visit JCC Libraries' News for updates to the libraries' hours.