Can I play music in the library?
As a courtesy to all library patrons, we try to keep things quiet in the libraries. If you wish to listen to music or other audio content on your personal device, or if you are listening to something on one of the Library computers, please use earbuds or headphones.
Headphones may be borrowed from the circulation desk at either campus library for two hours with your library card.
Earbuds with a standard headphone jack are free from the Hultquist Library circulation desk.
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Contact Us
Hultquist Library
Circulation Desk: 716.338.1008
Reference Desk: 716.338.1139
Cattaraugus County Campus Library
Circulation and Reference Desk: 716.376.7517
Hours may vary due to holidays and college closures.
Please visit JCC Libraries' News for updates to the libraries' hours.